Archive for September, 2006

Apparently, Grade 1 is traumatic. Preschool? Not so much.

I’ve spent enough time in the school over the past week that the staff are beginning to know me by sight.  Part of the time that I’ve been there has been for volunteer purposes.  The other times?  For my son.  Apparently the transition into Grade 1 is not as smooth as I thought it would be .  We surpassed the “what to do for lunch dilemma” by choosing to have Thor Jr come home for lunch on Fridays.  All was well.  The worst, and hopefully last incident was earlier this week when I received a phone call.  Thor Jr. was extremely upset.  He had been crying steadily since recess.  By my watch that meant 45 minutes.  His only answer to “What’s wrong?” was “I miss my Mom”.  This has never happened before.  I went to see him at school.  Sure enough, he missed me.  Or so he says.  I suspect that when he’s 18, something will remind him of this day and he will burst forth with an explanation that we never would have figured out.  If he does that, that’s okay.  It’s genetic.  When I went to Kindergarten for the first day, I was terrified.  My teacher was all dressed in white.  I thought it was the dentist’s office and was scared shitless.  I was unable to convey this to my mother though, until I was about 18.  Suddenly my first day of Kindergarten hysterics made complete sense to her.  And so with this in mind, I understand that sometimes, children are unable to communicate their complete thoughts at the age of 5 or 6.  After many hugs, softly spoken words and a mail key to remind him of me (it was either that or my sock – I had left everything except my keys and cellphone at home), Thor Jr. was calm enough to return to class for the day.

Contrast this with Little Athena.  We went for a play date today and as we were leaving the house, she asked if I was staying at the play date or if I was volunteering at the school.  I said I was staying.  She asked me not to.  She asked me to please go and volunteer at the school and said she didn’t want me to go to the play date.  Did I mention she’s 3? Apparently preschool is not nearly as traumatic as Grade 1.  Who knew?

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Suzie McNeil

Suzie McNeil

Suzie McNeil is a Canadian performer that I’ve been watching since she was on Rockstar: INXS last year.  I think she’s got a terrific voice and am glad to see she seems to have wrangled some sort of record deal.  She’s released 2 tracks: Believe and Hung Up.  Check out Hung Up here (look for the icon/picture in the lower left hand corner under the title “Vote”) and Believe here.    Believe has been released on iTunes but at this point, I haven’t seen Hung Up released, only promo’d on CHUM FM in Toronto. 

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Religious fervour or love of baking?

Rosh Hashanah has just passed and Yom Kippur is coming up.  The Jewish holidays are upon us.  I consider this to be a good thing (all family politics aside).  Now, at this point you may be thinking “I’ve seen the category title “The Atheist Marries A Jew” so what is this Goddess talking about?  Has Zeus removed her wisdom?”  Nah, I just love to bake.

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Hockey Mom vs. Soccer Mom Part 2

Hockey tonight.  Let’s see if I’ve got everything:

Shoulder pads? Check!
Knee/shin pads? Check!
Elbow pads? Check!
Jock strap and cup? Check!
Garters? Check!
Socks? Check!
Skates? Check!
Stick? Check!
Neck guard? Check!
Mouth guard? Check!
Helmet? Check!
Jersey? Check!
Hockey pants? Check!
Gloves? Check!
Bag to carry everything in? Check!
Extra t-shirt/socks/underwear to change into afterwords? Check, check and check!
Towel to dry off sweaty kid afterwords? Check!
Cloth to wipe down skate blades afterwords? Check!
Water bottle? Check!
Water bottle for daughter who will inevitably want a drink? Check!
Entertainment for daughter? Check!

Hmmmmm……sounds like a crapload of stuff.

Soccer mom – what do you pack for a soccer game?

Shin guards? Check!
Cleats? Check!
Uniform? Check!
Soccer ball? Check!
Water bottle? Check!
Water bottle for daughter, husband and myself? Check, check, check!
Lawn chairs? Check!
Sun umbrella? Check!
Coaches bag (if I’m coaching)? Check!
and sometimes snack if it’s our turn to bring it. Check!

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Having a family history of breast cancer means that you get a first class ticket to a Mammogram, without having to reach the age of 40.  I was recently given my ticket and happily went to the show.  What’s it all about you ask?  Pull up a chair and I’ll do my best to inform you of what might happen to you, when you get your ticket.  And if you do get sent for a mammogram – go.  The only thing scarier than going and waiting for those results is not going until it’s too late. Read the rest of this entry »

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Hockey Mom vs. Soccer Mom

Thor Jr. started Hockey this week.  He’s not in a league (Tangent: do you have any idea how much it costs to register your kid in hockey?  $500!  Holy hockey sticks batmom! And that doesn’t include equipment! /tangent), but we’ve signed him up for something called Tot Hockey which is supposed to teach him the fundamentals of hockey.  Then, next year we’ll bite the cash bullet and register him with the local league.

Thor Jr. had his first class this week.  It was my first experience with hockey equipment.  Specifically, strapping a 6 year old into all this equipment.  In a limited timeframe.  It took us 20+ minutes to get him undressed and then geared up.  Shoulder pads, shin pads, elbow pads, jock/cup, garters, pants, socks, skates, helmet – oh my!  And don’t forget the jersey!  It was at this point that I decided it was a heck of a lot easier to be a soccer mom than to be a hockey mom.  He did look great though!  And he stepped out on to the ice without a problem.  It’s been a few months since he’s been on skates so I wasn’t sure if he’d land on his butt within the first 2 strides or not.  He thoroughly enjoyed the session and can’t wait to go back next week.

Which brings us back to the equipment-strapping-in again.  And the fact that it’s easier to be a soccer mom and carry around a bag of soccer balls and pylons then it is to strap garters onto hockey socks.  Wait a sec – before you hit that comment button and inform me about the new jocks that have velcro to hook up hockey socks, yeah, we know about those.  But Thor thought we should go with the garters.  Too bad Thor isn’t there to strap Thor Jr into everything!  Next year (or 2 sessions from now, depending on how long I last with this) we’ll get him the jock/velcro/sock combo.  Of course, with all of this equipment comes a mother-honkin’-sized bag.  It’s the same size as the team bag for soccer.  Hats off to you Hockey Moms!   I don’t know how you do it. 

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Dr. McDreamy meets the Entomologist: Why it’s good to live in Canada

If you live in the USA and enjoy watching Grey’s Anatomy and CSI, and you don’t have TIVO, well, tonight you’re screwed.


If, on the other hand, you live in Canada, where CTV has picked up the broadcast rights for both CSI and Grey’s, then you’ve hit the jackpot! CTV, knowing full well they can’t broadcast 2 shows simultaneously, has opted to air Dr. McDreamy at 8:00 and Grissom et al at 9:00.

I’m swimming in TV glory folks, just swimming.  Look at me: I’m doing the backstroke.  Now the front crawl.  Ok.  I’ll stop now.

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Excuse me while I vent some stress (tales of returning to school and other such stuff)

My daughter chose to cap off my son’s first day of Grade 1 by falling off her tricycle (yes, she had her helmet on, thank Maude).  Unlike her other falls, this one happened as she was riding across the road, onto the sidewalk and the curb was slightly raised.  I turned to help my son with his hoody and the next thing we heard was screaming. The bump from where the concrete met the asphalt was larger than normal and we were on a street going downhill so I guess she hit it too fast. She needs stitches in her chin.  Read the rest of this entry »

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