Archive for October, 2006

Kiddy Humour

Thor Jr. has dubbed himself the King of Comedy in our house.  He has managed to create 2 original jokes that make adults laugh.

Why did the cow smack into the tree?
Because he was in a bad mooo-ooo-ed.

*Why did the computer sneeze?
Because he had a virus.

*Copyright disclaimer: I think I may have read this last one somewhere but since Thor Jr. hasn’t read any riddle/joke books lately (and if he did, he would need help reading them) and neither have I, we’re giving him full credit for creating this.

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There… and back…again.

Faithful readers may recall a trip Up North last March.  Well, the whole family packed up and headed Up North for Thanksgiving weekend. While this trip was vomit-free, it was not without it’s humourous moments. Read the rest of this entry »

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