Archive for Societal evils

Giving children the freedom they need to act their age.

I’ll admit it.  Thor and I work hard to provide our children with the opportunity to just be children.  We do this through a variety of means.  We monitor the recommended ages for toys.  We’re not nuts about setting limits but if a toy is recommended for children ages 8+, chances are, it’s not appropriate for our 6 year old (educational toys can be an exception to this; toys that only promote fighting – definitely not).  I visit Common Sense Media to pre-screen movies and some tv shows.  We don’t strictly abide by the ratings provided – we consider our children’s personality and maturity when making these decisions.  The results of all of this limit-setting?  Our 6 year old knows how to play Crazy 8s and checkers but doesn’t know how to use a Gameboy.   Our 3 year old won’t be going to see Happy Feet.  Her 3 year old friend did.  She was so scared by the sea lion scene, she cried and demanded to go home.  Her mom (for various reasons that can only be explained by a need to put other people’s needs above her and her family’s needs) refused to take her home and now if you ask the child if she liked the movie, she cries.  Ah, but I digress.  Back to the idea of children being children… Read the rest of this entry »

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The Best Little Girl in the World

A few of you may recognize the title of this post.  It isn’t mine.  I’ve borrowed it from Steven Levenkron.  It came to mind when I hung up from a phone conversation with a friend the other day.

This friend and I were chatting about this and that, nothing really to earth shattering.  During the course of our chat, she mentioned that a mutual acquaintence was scheduled for reconstructive surgery.  This acquaintence had to have a mass removed from one breast.  The result was a healthy body with 2 different sized and shaped breasts.  Hence the reconstructive surgery.  My friend was suggesting to this person that while she’s “under the knife” she should also have her boobs “done”.  The acquaintence is also having a tummy tuck at some point.  My friend herself, has had liposuction.

I don’t understand it.  Both women are healthy.  Both women have families and apparently happy lives.  They obviously though, aren’t completely happy.  Read the rest of this entry »

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